
1.     Reiki treatments         £30.00

In a Reiki treatment the client lies on a treatment couch fully clothed, covered with a warm blanket, and there is relaxing music in the background. The Reiki practitioner’s hands are held above, and occasionally on, the body in a sequence starting at the head and ending at the feet. Each hand position is held for several minutes, and the whole treatment takes about one hour. There is no pressure applied at any stage of the treatment. It is holistic in approach, and gentle yet powerful.

2.     Reiki courses

Reiki I         £135.00

At this level the student receives four attunements. I only accept 2 to 3 students at one time to give everyone as much attention and help as possible. The course is run over 2 days. There is a lot of material to go through and it is important not to rush through each stage. The course includes attunements, Reiki history, the first pillar of Reiki (the five principles), meditations, hand positions, chakras, aura testing, practical exercises, and ample time for questions and discussion.

Reiki II          £175.00      

At this level the student receives two attunements and again the course runs for 2 days. This level covers the Reiki symbols, their origin, history, meanings and applications, followed by practical exercises, including chakra balancing, and distant and absent healing. The course also explores the other 2 pillars of Reiki: the Reiji Ho and the Gassho meditation. It is also necessary to carry out a number of case studies to complete this level.

Reiki III         £650.00

This is an intensive course of study and takes much longer than Levels I and II. The student receives three attunements carried out over 2 days. There will be a considerable amount of homework, including some research, and personal contact time with the tutor will be provided. The student will work with the tutor during a few practical Reiki sessions. This level really tests the commitment of the student to Reiki and may not be for everybody.

Trude Bacon

3.     Indian Head Massage     £20.00 per 40 minutes

Many people enjoy a combined session of Reiki with Indian Head Massage. This includes 15 minutes of Indian head massage and 45 minutes of Reiki (cost £25.00).

4.     Dream analysis                from £15.00

This is based among others on Jung’s philosophy of dream interpretation and is a fascinating process to undertake. I achieved this qualification with the British School of Yoga.